Friday 12 July 2013

French Police Warn They Don't Want to Go on Repressing Pro-Family Movement

There have been many images on this blog of the French armed police, the CRS, suppressing protesters using violent and extreme means. But the police are only following the orders of M Valls, the Minister for the Interior. Many policemen don't want to carry out these duties and know perfectly well that it is illegal to attack peaceful unarmed protesters. 
        Now the police commissioners have warned President François Hollande that they feel uncomfortable carrying on with this sustained campaign of repression. There have been hundreds of protests ceaselessly all over France for the past six months and there is no sign of them flagging now even though the Loi Taubira has been passed. In fact the protests have mounted. especially after the illegal imprisonment of Nicolas Bernard-Buss, and the condemnation of the French government's tactics in the Council of Europe.
Des policiers face à des manifestants anti-mariage gay, le 2 avril 2013.

The police commissioners have complained that they do not want to police people's opinions, to or become what George Orwell called the "thought police". There ought to be no thought- crimes in a free democratic society.
      The writing is on the wall for François Hollande. His socialist government cannot hope to be re-elected now. Its ratings in opinion polls are abysmal.

veilleur debout

Many of the protesters do nothing except stand stock-still in a public place, to express silent opposition to the government's policies. This campaign of "veilleurs debout" was started by a young student, Jean-Batiste, aged 22, who decided that since his exams in finance were over, he would stage a protest at the Palais de Justice. He simply stood still for five hours in front of the office of Madame Taubira, the obnoxious Minister for Justice who has pushed through this mad law. 
Soon others came to imitate him and did the same in hundreds, many of them standing all day in the hot sun with small placards and a book to read...
All over France similar protests have been held. Madame Taubira has expressed exasperation and has asked "How long are these protests going to go on?"
The answer is : "UNTIL WE GET THE LAW CHANGED BACK".  The campaigners are young, they are healthy and they are very, very determined.  Undoubtedly France is giving a moral lead to the rest of Europe.
Meanwhile there is a corruption scandal brewing against Hollande's partner Valerie Treiweiller, and that won't do his party any good either. 
Corruption? In a party dominated by gays? Quelle horreur!

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