Sunday 2 June 2013

22 more Pro-Family Demonstrators Arrested Today in Paris

The demonstrations for La Manif Pour Tous continue in France and are being suppressed by the government with blind dictatorship and disregard for human rights. Twenty-two more young people have just been placed under arrest by armed police at the Champs-Elysées just for wearing Tee-shirts and sweat-shirts with the family logo of La Manif Pour Tous.

EN IMAGES. Manif pour tous : violentes échauffourées aux Invalides
There has been brutality after brutality. Has Francois Hollande reached his Tianenmen Square moment?
Photo: Normalie : La vérité n'a qu'un point de vue, celui des forces de répression. 
Exemple : au panthéon, on parle du geste d'énervement d'un jeune noir. 
Qui a chargé pour le brutaliser? Qui parle de la jeune fille venue s'interposer pour éviter le lynchage du jeune idéaliste? 
Qui défend maintenant la jeune fille courageuse, brutalisée à son tour par ces hommes casqués, en armures, qui n'hésitent pas à obéir? 
...Les mêmes qui ont gazé ton grand père le 24 mars.

Earlier today, demonstrators surrounded the house of Pierre Bergé the part-owner of the newspaper Le Monde, who has used his position to push for the same-sex marriage law. Bergé, who was once fined a million euros for insider trading, is homosexual, and is typical of the wealthy "queer Mafia" who control French left-wing politics. He has publicly said that a bomb should be dropped on all the pro-family campaigners. He also said that he saw no difference between a woman working in a kitchen and a woman renting out her womb for the purpose of surrogate breeding. That only reveals how defective this guy is.  Insensitive is an understatement. He is gross!
Protestors shouted slogans, "Our wombs are not for renting!" and "Children should not be bought or sold!" before being arrested and taken away by police.

Photo: Ce Matin, les jeunes  du Camping pour TOUS ont étés huer le milliardaire Pierre Bergé. "Nos ventres ne sont pas à vendre" "Les enfants ne s'achètent pas". Protégé par la Police politique de Valls qui avait bloqué le quartier, il y a eu de nouvelles interpellations.  Il ne pourront pas museler la colère de tout un peuple! 

Merci à Anne Ga pour la photo!

Meanwhile in Brazil the first "marriage" between three men has been performed.

This farcical and obscene union was performed in bathing trunks~!! it's just the logical conclusion of sloppy arguments for same -sex "marriage". The world has gone bonkers.

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