Manif pour tous : "Nous allons élargir notre combat"
Ludovine de la Rochère, leader of La Manif Pour Tous, reflects on the most recent rally, the departure of the last leader and the movement's future.
She said they planned to go on with their programme of demonstrations, confronting ministers everywhere in public, explaining to people the true implications of the destruction of marriage, demanding a referendum of French people because the Socialist government does not have an outright majority of the vote, and organizing other events such as a university summer school to educate people about what is truly going on. She said the movement would remain strictly non-party-political.
La Manif Pour Tous will broaden its scope into combatting the entire movement towards deconstructing gender in culture and society. Gender is a reality, not a fantasy.
As to the number of supporters, the second rally on May 26th may have have fewer supporters than the first in March, but that was because Manuel Valls, the minister for the Interior and Security, had warned parents not to bring their children.
When asked if the change of leader would make people any less committed to the movement, Madame Rochere replied, "Of course not. People did not get involved because of one personality leading it, it is because they understood that this law is aberrant. "
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